Quick Draw at the California Academy of Sciences May 19, 2017 Here are some pictures of me at the California Academy of Sciences, in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. I am drawing pollinators for the kids,…
Kute Kitties May 19, 2017 Designs available in my Redbubble store: Some of the Products Available: Pattern or Individual Kitties available – Choose on the Kitty you like, or…
How to Write Adventure Modules that Don’t Suck January 26, 2017 I drew over two dozen cartoons for “How to Write Adventure Modules that Don’t Suck”, published by Goodman Games. Goodman Games has published more…
Join me… September 2, 2016 This weekend I will exhibiting at the San Francisco Comic Con. It’s in a dungeon under the downtown Marriot, and Emperor Palpatine is presiding. I…
Urfling 2001: A Space Odyssey August 17, 2016 Here is a little set of Urflings based on Stanly Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. I created these after seeing the Stanley Kubrick Exhibit…
Wizard Pickles Process Tutorial May 18, 2016 I’ve been asked to make a post outlining my process for creating a puzzle page. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while,…
Masters of Webcomics Panel at Silicon Valley Comic Con March 20, 2016 Here is the very exciting “Masters of Webcomics” panel I hosted at the 2016 Silicon Valley Comic Con. The panel took place on Sunday,…
“Geek Dad” Reviews Wizard Pickles August 26, 2015 Derrick Schneider of the Geek Dad blog writes-up Wizard Pickles: I’m clearly a sucker for a puzzle book I can share with my daughter, and so I was…
“Wizard Pickles” A Kickstarter “Staff Pick” August 20, 2015 “Wizard Pickles” is a Kickstarter “Staff Pick”. See more: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/whelon/wizard-pickles-puzzle-adventure-book. Prepare to solve a magical mystery… Aunt Wilma’s lost her magic wand! Now it’s up…
Pewfell Issue #24 Released on DriveThruComics.com July 7, 2015 What with making his monthly sales quotas and homeschooling his kids, Pewfell’s life is no longer his own. Could popular children’s entertainer StrangeBlob NoPants…