Trogs is a comic strip series I developed for a boardgame industry news site, scripted by myself and my Pewfell co-writer Adam Prosser. It was a great idea, about a specialty game retail store called Trog’s Games Portal, owned and run by a troglodyte, who lived in the caves beneath the store with his very large family. The idea was to parody the goofy characters encountered in the obscure world of boardgame fandom. I wish it could have run longer, but the budget just wasn’t there for me to be able to spend the time to keep it going, and I ended up getting busy with bill-paying work! If anyone’s interested in financing the thing, we had tons of ideas for it and I’d love to get it going again someday!

The Annoying Teenager who never spends any money.

The Trouble Maker — We never got as far as putting her in the strip!