Crowd at Pamplona

Are you a Super-Spotter?

“Super Recogniser” is a term for people with significantly better-than-average face recognition ability. Super recognisers are able to memorise and recall thousands of faces, often having seen them only once.

It is estimated that 1 to 2% of the population are super recognisers who can remember 80% of faces they have seen compared to 20% by the general population. Super recognizers can match faces better than computer recognition systems in some circumstances.

The skill is recognised and employed among the intelligence community in countries such as Great Britain and Germany. Scotland Yard has a squad of over 200 super recognisers.

How quickly can you spot Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in this scene from “Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider?:

Trafalage Square from “Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider?” by Chuck Whelon:

About the author

I am an internationally published author and cartoonist. I am the creator, artist and writer of "Pewfell", a semi-autobiographical, epic fantasy sit-com that began it’s life on the interweb back in the early 2000’s.

I have created a large number of children's puzzle and activity books for various publishers, I also designed and illustrated the comic boardgame "Legitimacy" published by Minion Games, and have illustrated a number of other boardgames for Minion.

I am also known as the cartoonist for Goodman Game's 'Dungeon Crawl Classics' Role Playing Game. I am also the author of a puzzle book for kids called 'Wizard Pickles'--if you would like to publish it, let me know!

In my previous life, Chuck worked as an art director in the advertising world but I promises that I won’t do it again.

I was born and raised near the Basingstoke roundabout, but now live in San Francisco, CA.