Where's Itsy Bitsy Spider Book Cover Image

Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider? Kickstarting Now

Visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/whelon/wheres-itsy-bitsy-spider to support the Kickstarter for my latest book: “Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider?”, a search-and-find adventure for all ages.

Where's Itsy Bitsy Spider Book Cover Image
Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider Book Cover Image

Itsy Bitsy Spider and a cast of merry Mother Goose characters enter a talent contest and embark on a world tour. Follow their adventures across 12 highly-detailed double-page search-and-find scenes, from London’s West End, to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge.

Here are the characters that are hidden in every scene:

Find these charcters in every scene of “Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider?”
Sample spread from “Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider?”

Visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/whelon/wheres-itsy-bitsy-spider now to see more pages form the book and our animated musical video. Sign up to be the among first recive a copy of the book, should this Kickstarter successfully fund. This Kickstarter will be your only chance to get an exclusive personalized edition of “Where’s Itsy Bitsy Spider?” The Kickstarter runs now through Thursday April 7th.

Thanks and Best Wishes

Chuck Whelon



About the author

I am an internationally published author and cartoonist. I am the creator, artist and writer of "Pewfell", a semi-autobiographical, epic fantasy sit-com that began it’s life on the interweb back in the early 2000’s.

I have created a large number of children's puzzle and activity books for various publishers, I also designed and illustrated the comic boardgame "Legitimacy" published by Minion Games, and have illustrated a number of other boardgames for Minion.

I am also known as the cartoonist for Goodman Game's 'Dungeon Crawl Classics' Role Playing Game. I am also the author of a puzzle book for kids called 'Wizard Pickles'--if you would like to publish it, let me know!

In my previous life, Chuck worked as an art director in the advertising world but I promises that I won’t do it again.

I was born and raised near the Basingstoke roundabout, but now live in San Francisco, CA.