Urfling 2001: A Space Odyssey


Here is a little set of Urflings based on Stanly Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. I created these after seeing the Stanley Kubrick Exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco. I am a huge Kubrick fan. The fact that these designs can be translate so well to Urflings, demonstrates just how elegant the designs are… and how versatile the Urflings can be. 😉

The one of Dave Bowman in his spacesuit, is my favorite. Open the Pod Bay Doors, HAL. I put it on a T-shirt, which you can buy here:

About the author

I am an internationally published author and cartoonist. I am the creator, artist and writer of "Pewfell", a semi-autobiographical, epic fantasy sit-com that began it’s life on the interweb back in the early 2000’s.

I have created a large number of children's puzzle and activity books for various publishers, I also designed and illustrated the comic boardgame "Legitimacy" published by Minion Games, and have illustrated a number of other boardgames for Minion.

I am also known as the cartoonist for Goodman Game's 'Dungeon Crawl Classics' Role Playing Game. I am also the author of a puzzle book for kids called 'Wizard Pickles'--if you would like to publish it, let me know!

In my previous life, Chuck worked as an art director in the advertising world but I promises that I won’t do it again.

I was born and raised near the Basingstoke roundabout, but now live in San Francisco, CA.