Trolling The Dice



Wait, don’t pull that lever! Oops… too late. So much can turn on the roll of a dice. What are we to do when it seems like the gods are playing games with our lives?

The solution proposed by this collection of cartoons, comic strips and cover art by author Chuck Whelon, is to pull the other one.

Sure to be a critical hit with tabletop gamers and anyone who likes their epic fantasy to taste funny.

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Thanks to Goodman Games and Minion Games, who first commissioned and published many of these cartoons. Here’s what Goodman Games say about the book:

A Book for Fans Who Like the Cartoons in the DCC Core Rulebook — We are always getting comments about the artwork for Dungeon Crawl Classics and the rest of the Goodman Games lineup. And it’s not just the gorgeous paintings and detailed maps, either. We do have a sense of humor. And nothing embodies that more than the cartoon illustrations of Chuck Whelon. His cartoons bring a smile to the face and help keep the tone…fun. Chuck has done art for the core DCC RPG rulebook, the DCC AnnualThe Goodman Games Gazette, and much more. And if you enjoy his work as much as we do, you might want to look at his new book, Trolling The Dice: Comics and Game Art.”

Standard Paperback Edition. 98 Black & White Pages.

Also available in 158 page expanded and hardcover editions that include color pages.

Booksellers can place wholesale orders through Ingram.


Additional information

Weight 5.6 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.25 in

Paperback, Deluxe Expanded Hardcover with Color Plates, Expanded Paperback with color pages, PDF eBook, Kindle

About the author

I am an internationally published author and cartoonist. I am the creator, artist and writer of "Pewfell", a semi-autobiographical, epic fantasy sit-com that began it’s life on the interweb back in the early 2000’s.

I have created a large number of children's puzzle and activity books for various publishers, I also designed and illustrated the comic boardgame "Legitimacy" published by Minion Games, and have illustrated a number of other boardgames for Minion.

I am also known as the cartoonist for Goodman Game's 'Dungeon Crawl Classics' Role Playing Game. I am also the author of a puzzle book for kids called 'Wizard Pickles'--if you would like to publish it, let me know!

In my previous life, Chuck worked as an art director in the advertising world but I promises that I won’t do it again.

I was born and raised near the Basingstoke roundabout, but now live in San Francisco, CA.