After getting all wound up on the phone one day, I had a vision that gave me some insight into the shape and nature of the universe, and I wrote poem about it, called “The Song of the Vortex”, which you can read here.
At first I thought it was going to be a comic, and these are the strips I made . The comic started to veer off in a different direction, which I kind of liked, so I decided to preserve my core conception of the Vortex in verse, and let the comic do its own thing. I actually wrote a whole lot more of these strips, but I guess I got distracted by something shiny and never drew them all. Here are the 36 I did draw. File under,: projects I would love to expand on one day.
Ferdinand is a character who has been with me since I was in high school. Maybe someday I’ll show you some of that early work of mine, but you are not ready yet,
It’s all true Story of my life Here we were Wizards in the Vortex Dr. Pill arrives Sorry to say.. You should have already realized this by now… The best offer you are going to get. Snortlebuzzjuzz Snortlebuzzjuzz comes out. Universal Problem #1 – Hats It’s all just the vortex. Dr. Pill answers some basic questions about the vortex. You need to think in at least 4D for this one. The Vortex brings all kinds of stuff… Fun in the Vortex More about the Vortex Your house is on fire Danger in the Vortex Try this at home. Rog & Dot Enter the Drumposaurus Who let him out? Don’t ask me why. The dogs of marriage Four years of this? Trumputinbrexit That started it Dr. Quack testifies to the health of the Drumposaurus. You Bring The Ducks Super slack Survival of the Fittest. $Hitcoin$ Congressman Crow explains the new tax bill. Resistance is useless. One more time around?
I think, like a cell, my story splits here. One half is the one about the vortex, and my poem “Song of the Vortex” continues that story. I think, though, that I want to make more comics about dogs and ducks… and exploding kitties. Poor Monty. xxx
The astute amongst you might have noticed that Dr. Pill looks a lot like Sgt. Snapper from “Where’s the Mermaid?“. That is no coincidence. Where’s the Mermaid? was the project I worked on after this, and he just had to be in there keeping an eye on everybody… the Mer-World version of him, anyway 😉

“Where’s the Mermaid?”
by Chuck Whelon
Available on Amazon: