Logo Designs March 15, 2015 Some of the different company and product logos I have created over the years:
Chuck Interviewed on ComicBookAndMovieReviews.com January 16, 2015 By David Lee Andrews Posted at 06:00 INDIE-COMIC Do you remember those halcyon days where men were men, women were women, and comic books smelt…
Intelligent Life FAN ART! August 20, 2014 A little piece of fan art to celebrates my two favorite things of the summer of 2014: Guardians of the Galaxy and my pal David Reddick’s…
The Monsters Alphabet May 21, 2014 Here are two cartoons I contributed to Goodman Games latest publication, “The Monster Alphabet”. It’s a follow up to their successful “The Dungeon Alphabet”:…
Word Play – Write Your Own Crazy Comics July 24, 2013 Used in classrooms all over the world Kids can cultivate their storytelling skills with these kooky comics. More than 60 pages of cartoon panels…
One of Those Things—The Comics Journal remembers ModernTales.com April 24, 2013 A decade ago my strip ‘Pewfell’ was part of the initial lineup of the first Professional Webcomics portal, ModernTales.com. These were the wild and…
Growing Up Gamers: Those Pesky Humans! Review June 11, 2011 by Randy Have at thee, readers! I’m going to start this off by asking, who doesn’t have a great memory somewhere of some great…
The Comic Book Guide to the Mission February 12, 2011 I was honored to be asked to create this cover art for “The Comic Book Guide to the Mission“, since the book features work…
Trogs November 11, 2010 Trogs is a comic strip series I developed for a boardgame industry news site, scripted by myself and my Pewfell co-writer Adam Prosser. It was a…
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG October 4, 2010 I love all kinds of games, and over the years I have been fortunate enough to contribute work to Goodman Games‘ awesome old-school Role-Playing…
This letter could have been written by Bish November 12, 2009 This was forwarded to me by Pewfell reader Terry Smith, as he pointed out, all you have to do is change God to Hornbag:…
The Sounds of Ur March 19, 2009 I made a Pandora radio station, seeded from some favorite wizard bands and songs. Seems to be playing quite nicely for me, your comments…